Produced a series of (13) social livestreams for the world's most popular digestivo, Fernet-Branca. Streams were structured to engage audiences via a mix of immersive cocktail competitions, cooking classes, giveaways and culinary influencer talks.  
Curated a collection of captivating scenes and seamless integration of live video displays featuring 1-4 guests, creative overlays, tickers, live audience voting, comment features and more. 
Managed all pre-production including the development of detailed run-of-shows, and working hand-in-hand with guests to secure the best possible visual, audio, lighting, and set design. Managed and directed all live production. 
Coordinated multi-streams with guests to stream simultaneously via their public brand pages Twitch) resulting in 2-3x reach & engagement.

ROLL: Producer, Director
AGENCY: Flavor Group
TOOLS: OBS, StreamYard, Restream
CLIENT: Fernet-Branca
YEAR: 2020​​​​​​​

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